Industry expertise to support you

Brady already offers numerous identification solutions tailored to specific industries.
However, if you have specific identification needs never hesitate to contact us for assistance

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Aerospace, Defense and Mass Transit

Brady’s identifying labels and tags are laboratory tested to defy extreme temperatures, liquids, solvents and generally harsh environments.

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Brady offers globally available and fully automated identification solutions to support greater production throughput and increased quality.

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Chemical Oil and Gas

Brady is a global business partner you can rely on for safety and identification products, services and support.

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Datacom Telecom

In ICT & Telecom, swift identification and recovery of both wires and components is important to get applications back online fast, and avoid upsetting customers.

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Brady’s clear, methodical, durable and highly mobile identification solutions reduce downtime by 80%.

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Food and Beverage

Brady Toughwash™ signage creates new opportunities to increase both food and employee safety.

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Brady identification solutions ensure sample integrity by offering identification labels that remain intact for life.

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