Brady Bulletin

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CSR Activities

Tree Plantation and Water conservation Projects

Brady organizes tree plantations and water conservation projects through NGO - Say Trees.Where employees participate in a Tree plantation drive to plant 150 Saplings.


Brady India - Marathon

Participation in marathon organized by Hindu Seva Prathishtana.


Blood Donation Camp

Employees participated in Blood Donation Camp.



CSR projects in collaboration with Rotary club

Brady conducted a few projects in association with Rotary Foundation, Udup. Brady installed water purifier and projector at Uppunda School ; At Srikrishna Balaniketana , Kukkikatte Brady installed Solar lights and Shelves.



Support in upgrading school Amenities

Brady took initiatives to construct Toilets and school paintings at Barkur school.


Rain water Harvesting Project

Rain water harvesting project at Govt Telugu school at Alsuru in association with BIOME International.


Brady CSR team supports Thayimane

Funded food expense and well repair expense to Thayimane which cares children who have single parents, HIV positive, HIV positive parents, deceased parents.


Employee Events

Brady India Foundation day

Brady India Foundation Day.

Womens Day

Diversty and inclusion is part of Brady work culture. Brady celebrated World Women's Day by appreciating their contributions.


BPL - Brady Premier League

Brady Annual Sports Events - Brady Premier league is an Annual Cricket tournment organized,a fiercly fough team won the Brady Cup.


Family day

Brady India Family Day Event - One of the biggest Employee event at Brady , Brady Family Day and Annual Excellence Award Event. Blend of event to appreciate the years hardwork of employees and a stage to connect all Brady Family together.


Birthday Celebrations

Birthday Bash - Monthly Birthday Bash celebration with all employees. A platform to bring all employees together to celebrate birthday with funfilled time bonding games and activities.


International Yoga day

International Yoga day - A physcial well being complemented by practicing Yoga on Special occassion of International Yoga day.



Potluck - A food carnival at Brady, employees enjoying the delicious home made food.


Karnataka Flood Relief

Karnataka Flood Relief - Employees contributed generously to provide help to starving animals during moonsoon flood affected North Karnataka.


Brady Service Awards

Brady Service Awards - Way to Appreciate Employees for their Long service and contributions.


National Safety day

National Safety day - A day to remember to take the safety oath to observe safe behaviour in workplace and folllow all Safety regulations.
